Director Galerie Düsseldorf 1976-
1976 Opened Galerie Düsseldorf, Perth with wife Magda Sheerer
1981- Approved Commonwealth Government Valuer for the Cultural
Gifts Programme Taxation Incentives for the Arts Scheme since 1981.
1996-99 Chair : The Australian Commercial Galleries Association (ACGA)WA
1999 Chair : ART99 - The Western Australian Art Fair in 1999
1996-01 Chair : Association of Western Australian Art Galleries Inc.
Provider of Art Valuation services to :
The National Gallery of Australia, Canberra ACT
The Art Gallery of Western Australia
WA. Department of Culture & the Arts (complete collection)
The Western Australian Parliament House Art Collection (complete collection)
The Geraldton Regional Art Gallery, The City of Geraldton (complete collection)
The City of Vincent (complete collection)
The City of Perth , The City of Fremantle, The City of Bunbury,
City of Joondalup (complete collection)
The Shire of Bassendean (complete collection)
The Shire of Armadale (complete collection)
Curtin University of Technology, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University, TAFE
The Commonwealth Bank / BankWest
Royal Perth Hospital Collection, King Edward Hospital Collection
Numerous Corporations and Superannuation Funds
Consultancy Model
Valuations, Collection Design & Management, Curatorial Advice,
Project and Exhibition Management.